1. UN Treaties, Protocols & Conventions
2. Frontiers of Europe
3. Strategic Europe
4. Progressive Europe: Shields of Europe
5. European Cultural Frontiers: Endangered Zones
6. Armenia & Europe: Cartographic Perspectives
7. International Treaties Legal and Political
8. Genocide Bibliography Also available in Armenian
9. Armenian Genocide: Legal Opinion Also available in Armenian
10. Paris Peace Conference: Overview
11. The Future of European Integration
12. European Union: Integral Frontiers
13. EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
14. European Defence Community
15. Greater Europe
16. European Security Integration
17. Rights and Values
18. Political Europe
19. European Civilisation
20. Obersalzberg Speech
21. International Girl Child
22. Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
23. Frontiers of Civilisations
24. Christianity and Governance
25. Bible's Sacred Highland
26. Protect Europe
27. Near East
28. Europe in Danger