

T H E   A R M E N I A N   C E N T R E


In 2007 members of the Armenian community in London met to discuss the British Authorities’ refusal to recognise the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Other nations including France, Canada, Russia, Holland, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, Argentine, Chile, Venezuela, and the Vatican together with the vast majority of individual states within the United States of America have properly recognised the events of 1915 and the immediately succeeding years as genocide; the Welsh Assembly recognised these events as genocide in 2002; in Switzerland and Slovakia, denial of the genocide is a criminal offence. In 1965, Uruguay became the first country to acknowledge this crime as such.

The UK response was at odds with the ethical stance projected by the British Government and appeared ill-informed and therefore inadequate. There was a need for clarification and understanding of an issue which causes deep hurt and continuing distress to all British Armenians as well as to members of the wider community with an interest in justice, fairness and human rights. Trends that undermine the values of the European Civilisation must, of course, be halted.

Accordingly, it was decided to obtain the opinion of an eminent Queen’s Counsel learned in this field.

The Armenian Centre, agreed to provide a ring-fenced focus to this legal opinion through its trustees. Thereafter the matter was taken forward as an Armenian Centre Project.

The firm of Gulbenkian Andonian was appointed as solicitors. The Trustees were confident to take on such a project, as one of their number, T S Kahve, is reasonably well versed on the subject, and has an Armenian Genocide Bibliography in a number of languages on .

Geoffrey Robertson QC of Doughty Street Chambers who has an acclaimed international reputation in this field was instructed by the solicitors to provide his opinion. The Armenian Centre Trust was established in 1988. Its constitution contains a number of objectives. These, include the gathering and provision of information and advice for the education and benefit of the public.

Armenian Centre Executive Committee

1st November 2009


T H E   A R M E N I A N   C E N T R E



Mr. Geoffrey Robertson noted that the Opinion in question can be utilised for:
A) Diplomatic training courses;
B) International affairs courses.

Consequently, The Armenian Centre notes that students would benefit from this eminent professor’s work not only by comprehending aspects of the Armenian Genocide but also academically benefit in other scholarly avenues, inclusive of Human Rights.

Armenian Centre Executive Committee

6th November 2009

Click here to download in PDF



Message of Ararat Heritage to the Kashatagh Conference, Berdzor, Artsakh, Eastern Armenia, 28-30 March 2008


Conveyed by our Director Bagrad Nazarian: 

Firstly, we would like to wish all the success to the Conference.

We would like to make three points:

1) Talking publicly and privately of handing sections of the Plateau of Armenia to Azerbaijan by the governments of Republics of Armenia and Artsakh must end permanently. This stance is significantly demoralising for the Armenian population and undermines investments and repopulation of regions. It also undermines European Inter-continental and Iranian securities. Hence forth, if possible, talks must be gradually directed to the recovery of Nakhichevan, Artsvashen and Northern Shahumyan regions.

2)   Due to the massive increase in price of agricultural produce recently throughout the world, it is imperative that cash crops such as wheat and sunflower are planted extensively for export. There is a large market for them in Iran. Thus, the income will be in dollars.

3)   Armenian expertise regarding agricultural production on a mass industrial scale has its limitations. It will be prudent to develop large scale agriculture by bringing in professional companies from abroad, possibly from North and South America. Thus Armenian territories will benefit significantly from their extensive investments. However, they will require a secure legal and commercial environment, plus a realistic transport system.


Nakhichevan and Transport Access:

The Eastern section of the Plateau of Armenia, due to its mountainous formation, has a transport problem between its Northern and Southern regions. The only realistic route is through Nakhichevan, which is an indivisible part of the said Plateau. Consequently, it is now necessary to promote its recovery.

Tony S. Kahvé
Ararat Heritage
26th March 2008

European Cultural Frontiers: The Endangered Zones

Armenia and Europe: Cartographic Perspectives